Welcome to the Wingfield
Whispering Wings
Butterfly Club!
About the club
Three-quarters of British butterflies are in decline.
Butterflies are an important 'brick' in the ecological 'wall'; their presence indicates a healthy environment. Areas with abundant butterflies and moths tend to be rich in other invertebrates. Collectively they provide many environmental benefits, including pollination and natural pest control.
The 56 species in Britain and Ireland are under threat today from unprecedented environmental change. Butterflies and moths have been recognised by the Government as indicators of biodiversity. Their fragility makes them quick to react to change so their struggle to survive is a serious warning about our environment.
Habitats have been destroyed on a massive scale, and now patterns of climate and weather are shifting unpredictably in response to pollution of the atmosphere but the disappearance of these beautiful creatures is more serious than just a loss of colour in the countryside.
Conserving and breeding butterflies will improve our whole environment for wildlife and enrich the lives of people now and in the future.
The club is hosted by Wingfield resident, Georgina Brown. During the months of April - September, she breeds butterflies, releasing a percentage back into the local community, and nurturing others in a dedicated greenhouse to help keep their life cycle going. The butterflies are predominately Painted Ladies, however, there are also a few other species including Peacock, Red Admiral, Brimstone, Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Cabbage White, and Speckled Wood.
Anyone in Wingfield can join us for regular meets, events, and activities. Or perhaps join our Butterfly Meditation sessions!
Our Core Values
We want to ensure that our club is a positive place for all and the environment.
What do we do?
We meet monthly on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm during May - September, for an hour, just as social in the butterfly greenhouse, but we also host several other events and activities throughout the year. These include:

Fireside Chats
Sat around the wood burner in the greenhouse we invite speakers butterfly enthusiasts and experts to chat with us amidst the whispering wings of the butterflies.

Kids Days
Fun, interactive, and immersive sessions for children to learn about butterflies and the importance of nature and biodiversity.

Scavenger Hunt Walks
Walks in the Wingfield area to identify butterfly, caterpillar, and pupa species and keep a log of the diversity in the village.

Plant and Seed Exchanges
Sessions that identify the best plants to have in your garden to attract butterflies and other pollinators. And provide an opportunity to share plants.

We contribute to research projects being carried out by Universities, nature, and environmental bodies. Collecting data and sharing good environmental practices.

We are interested in hosting events that the community of Wingfield would like to attend but with a butterfly theme! From fashion shows to awards nights or village dinners. Let us know!

Whispering Wings
Butterfly Meditation
You can also join our butterfly meditation sessions.
No experience is required. Just a willingness to relax.
Listen to the voice of the guide and the whispering wings of the butterflies. Focus on nothing but yourself and your self-care. These classes run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 - 7:45 pm and then again from 8 - 8:45 pm. During the months of May, June, July, August, and September. You can also wear Whispering Wings T-Shirts and Hoodies!